Image Steganography

Vaibhav Jagtap
8 min readDec 19, 2020

What is Steganography?

Steganography is an art of hiding information inside information i.e. embedding it in some other data. Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video.

The main objective of Steganography is mainly concerned with the protection of contents of the hidden information.

Images are ideal for information hiding because of the large amount of redundant space is created in the storing of images.

The goal of steganography is to hide messages in such a way that no one apart from the intended recipient even knows that a message has been sent. This can be achieve by concealing the existence of information within seemingly harmless carriers or cover.


  1. The first recorded uses of steganography can be traced back to 440 BC when Herodotus mentions an example of steganography in the histories of Herodotus.
  2. ancient example is that of histories, who shaved the head of his most trusted slave and tattooed a message on it. After his hair had grown the message was hidden. The purpose was to instigate a revolt against the Persians.
  3. During the “Cold War” period, US and USSR wanted to hide their sensors in the enemy’s facilities. These devices had to send data to their nations, without being spotted.
  4. In October 2001, the New York Times published an article claiming that al-Qaeda had used steganography to encode messages into images, and then transported these via e-mail and possibly via USENET to prepare and execute the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

What is the advantage of steganography over cryptography?

Cryptography hides the contents of a secret message from a malicious people, whereas steganography even conceal the existence of the message.

In cryptography, the system is broken when the attacker can read the secret message.

Breaking a steganography system need the attacker to detect that steganography has been used.

Types of Steganography

  1. Text Staganography : Text steganography can be achieved by altering the text formatting, or by altering certain characteristics of textual elements (e.g., characters).
  2. Image Staganography : Images are used as the message carriers.Images are the most popular cover objects used for steganography.
  3. Audio Staganography : In audio steganography, secret message is embedded into digitized audio signal which result slight altering of binary sequence of the corresponding audio file.

Image Steganography

Image Steganography requires following elements to carry out the work:

  1. Cover medium: It is an image that holds secret message.
  2. The Secret message: it is message to be transmitted. It can be plain or encrypted text, images or any other data.
  3. The Stego-key: it is key used to hide the message (May or may not be used).

The image compression techniques are extensively used in Steganography. Two type of compression techniques are

Lossy compression : In Image steganography lossless compression is generally used.

Lossless compression : The lossy compression may not maintain the original images integrity. But lossless compression maintains the data exactly. The compression on lossless image has no effect on original image.

Image Staganography Techniques

  1. By using LSB Insertion(Least Significant Bit Insertion)
  2. Masking and Filtering
  3. Algorithms and Transformation

1. By using LSB Insertion(Least Significant Bit Insertion)

Inorder to understand the algorithm we are go to take up a small task of hiding a image inside a original image using LSB algorithm. As images are nothing but pixels with rgb values, these rgb values can be converted into 8 bit binary numbers.

Each pixel has three value bits that are less significant. So, if we change the rightmost bits it will have a small visual impact on the final image. This is the steganography key to hide an image inside another. Change the less significant bits from an image and include the most significant bits from the other image.

An algorithm for hiding the image:

  1. To hide an image inside another, the image which will be hidden needs to have at most the same size of the image which will hide it.
# Check the images dimensions
if img2.size[0] > img1.size[0] or img2.size[1] > img1.size[1]:
raise ValueError('Image 1 size is lower than image 2 size!')

2. We must create two loops to go through all rows and columns (actually each pixel) from the images.

# Get the pixel map of the two images
pixel_map1 = img1.load()
pixel_map2 = img2.load()

# Create a new image that will be outputted
new_image =, img1.size)
pixels_new = new_image.load()

for i in range(img1.size[0]):
for j in range(img1.size[1]):

3. Now we just have rgb tuple value in int, convert the int tuple to binary String tuple, write a function for it.

rgb1 = Steganography.__int_to_bin(pixel_map1[i, j])

# Use a black pixel as default
rgb2 = Steganography.__int_to_bin((0, 0, 0))

# Check if the pixel map position is valid for the second image
if i < img2.size[0] and j < img2.size[1]:
rgb2 = Steganography.__int_to_bin(pixel_map2[i, j])
def __int_to_bin(rgb):
Convert an integer tuple to a binary (string) tuple.
:param rgb: An integer tuple (e.g. (220, 110, 96))
:return: A string tuple (e.g. ("00101010", "11101011", "00010110"))
r, g, b = rgb
return ('{0:08b}'.format(r),

4. Merge the highest significant bits of both the images as shown in the image above, we already have the binary strings from above stage so this would be easy.

# Merge the two pixels and convert it to a integer tuple
rgb = Steganography.__merge_rgb(rgb1, rgb2)
def __merge_rgb(rgb1, rgb2):
Merge two RGB tuples.
:param rgb1: A string tuple (e.g. ("00101010", "11101011", "00010110"))
:param rgb2: Another string tuple (e.g. ("00101010", "11101011", "00010110"))
:return: An integer tuple with the two RGB values merged.
r1, g1, b1 = rgb1
r2, g2, b2 = rgb2
rgb = (r1[:4] + r2[:4],
g1[:4] + g2[:4],
b1[:4] + b2[:4])
return rgb

5. Convert the binary string tuple back to int and here we have our encoded image.

pixels_new[i, j] = Steganography.__bin_to_int(rgb)

2. Masking and Filtering

It is well known that encryption provides secure channels for communicating entities.

However, due to lack of covertness on these channels, an eavesdropper can identify encrypted streams through statistical tests and capture them for further cryptanalysis.

Hence, the communicating entities can use steganography to achieve covertness

Masking and filtering techniques hide information by marking an image and is usually restricted to 24-bit and gray-scale images.

Digital watermarks include information such as copyright, ownership, or license.

While traditional steganography conceals information, watermarks extend information since it becomes an attribute of the cover image.

Instead of embedding a secret message into a multimedia object, as in traditional multimedia steganography, we process the entire secret message to make it appear statistically similar to a multimedia object itself.

Thereby we foil an eavesdropper who is primarily applying statistical tests to detect encrypted communication channels.

We show that our approach can potentially give a covert channel capacity which is an order of magnitude higher than traditional steganography

Masking techniques hide information in such a way that the hidden message is more integral to the cover image than simply hiding data in the “noise” level.

Masking adds redundancy to the hidden information.

This makes the masking technique more suitable than LSB with lossy JPEG images.

It may also help protect against some image processing such as cropping and rotating.

Advantages of Masking and filtering Techniques:

This method is much more robust than LSB replacement with respect to compression.

Disadvantages of Masking and filtering Techniques:

Techniques can be applied only to gray scale images and restricted to 24 bits.

3. Algorithms and Transformation

Algorithm and code for for merging ( hiding ) and unmerging the images .

  1. Check the dimensions of the 2 images ( python .size function for matrix ) if they don’t match raise error
  2. Create a pixel map of the 2 images .the .load() function in python imaging library gets the pixel map which an be traversed as an array
  3. Create a third pixel map for the o/p image
  4. We can use the __int_to_bin method to convert a decimal value to a binary value for the pixel map
  5. Then, we create a new RGB value by concatenating only the 4 rightmost bits from the current pixel with zero values (to create a new 8-bit value)
  6. Finally, we convert the binary value to a decimal value and set it to the current pixel in the new image ( o/p image)
  7. If the hidden image is smaller than the image that was hiding it we can remove the black borders or crop the image .

Python function for merging 2 images —

Unmerging the images algorithm —

  1. Load the pixel map of the image and load a empty pixel map which will represent the hidden image
  2. Get the RGB (as a string tuple) from the input image .
  3. Extract the last 4 bits (corresponding to the hidden image)
  4. Concatenate 4 zero bits because we are working with 8 bit
  5. Copy this array to the empty pixel map .
  6. Convert the pixel map to an integer tuple .
  7. Crop the image based on the ‘valid’ pixels .
  8. Valid pixels can be calculated using the extraction for loop to get the actual size of the image and remove unbounded pixels .

Function for unmerging the images i.e removing the hidden image .

Image steganography applications:

  • Secure private files and documents.
  • Hide password and encryption keys from unauthorised person.
  • Transport highly private documents between international governments.
  • Transmit massage, data without revealing of available massage.
  • Steganography cover the existence of the communication taking place within a digital media.
  • Some modern computer printers use steganography ,the printer add tiny yellow dots to each page which contains encoded printer serial number and time stamp.
Vaibhav Jagtap
Vaibhav Jagtap

Written by Vaibhav Jagtap


Studying at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, pune

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